On-screen settings allows you to configure your game without crawling into the cabinet to set dip switches and allows configuration of the extra features. Explanation of each item follows.
To enter settings mode, power cycle your machine. After the powerup selftest completes the game will pause for a few seconds allowing the opportunity to enter setup mode.
before the count down timer has expired to enter the settings mode.Once in the settings mode, use the joy stick
and positions to move about the menu. The current selected item is indicated by a special icon character on the left side of the screen. To make changes to the current selected item, press the button. For each press, the current selected field will toggle to the next option.To save the settings and enter gameplay mode, scroll down to the bottom item, and press the
button. At this point the currently displayed configuration will be saved and the gameplay will begin.If for some reason you wish to cancel your changes, you must power cycle the game instead of executing the "SAVE AND EXIT" option.
The very first time settings mode is entered for your game, the default values will be determined from your current DIP switch settings. Once the configuration has been saved, the DIP switch settings are no longer used (except for upright/cocktail and the sound on/off settings, which always uses the DIP switch).
Settings screen with Zaxxon kit
SHIPS: Configures the number of ships granted at the start of the game. Options include the standard 3, 4, 5, ships. Also included is the ability to set the ships to UNLIMITED. It should be noted with the unlimited number of ships, the game never ends, thus cannot be used to generate a high score entry - sorry.
BONUS: Configures the score at which point you are awarded a bonus ship. The standard options of 10K, 20K, 30K, 40K, are selectable.
FREE PLAY: This option controls if FREE PLAY is ON or OFF. When free play is ON, the attract mode screens will show free play and no coins are required, simply press or to begin a game. If free play is OFF, then the coinage is determined by how the DIP switch is configured.
ATTRACT SOUND: Controls how often attract mode sound is activated. This is an extra feature above the standard Zaxxon. It can be set to OFF (never), FULL for sound on every cycle through attract mode, or 50 PERCENT, 25 PERCENT, or 12 PERCENT for less frequent use. Note: The Zaxxon DIP switch for enabling sound must be on, otherwise all sounds are disabled. (DSW1, position 7 must be ON).
HIGH SCORES: Used to erase the high score table. Erasing in this case means reverting back to the factory defaults (eg. high score of 8900 pts down to low score of 3700 pts and no initials) Three options are available. KEEP ALL, which preserves all high scores (default). ERASE ALL, which will erase all six high score entries. ERASE 2-6, which will erase high score entries 2 through 6, but preserve the highest score. The erase does not take affect until the "save and exit" option is selected at the bottom of the screen.
FLIP SCREEN: This option is more applicable to boards that may have been installed in non standard cabinets, or when used with, for example, jamma converters. It is used to flip the screen 180 degrees opposite of what it would be normally. The options are NORMAL (most common), and FLIPPED. Note this setting does not apply to test mode, so when set to "FLIPPED", the screen will be upside down during the entire test-mode sequence.
BOOT TIMEOUT: Allows control of how long the powerup selftest results are display and thus how much time you have to enter settings mode before the count down timer expires and automatically enters gameplay mode. Options include 0, 5, 10, 20 SECONDS, and WAIT, "Wait" means never timeout, always wait for a button press before continuing.
The use of the "0 seconds" timeout option is special. With this option the use of
to enter settings mode is disabled, and you can never get back into setup mode. This can be used to prevent any unwanted tampering with settings. Use this option with caution as it becomes very difficult to to reverse back. Should the need arise to revert back to where the setup menu can again be accessed when using this lockout feature, there are two ways to accomplish this.With method 1, there is a small window of time in which settings mode can be activated by pressing (and holding) any coin switch or the internal credit service switch inside of the machine during the bootup sequence. This window of time is very small and the credit switch must be active while the game is powering up. If done correctly, the game will be in wait mode where
will again temporarily allow access to the settings menu.Method 2 is to remove the small 8 pin chip on the HS kit. This is the chip that saves the high scores. Remove this chip, and power up the game WITHOUT this chip installed. This will cause the powerup selftest to fail when it tests the HS chip. This leaves the game in a mode where the setup menu can again be accessed. BEFORE you enter settings mode you must re-install the 8-pin HS chip. You must do this while power is applied, thats right, while the game is on and while it is in the mode of waiting for the setup sequence. This will not harm the chip, just make sure pin-1 is oriented correctly. Install the HS chip, then use
to enter settings, and dont forget to save the new settings, preferably with a non-zero boot timeout so you dont go through this hassle again.The use of "BOOT TIMEOUT: 0 SECONDS" was removed in version Z1.1